#1 Overview of JavaScript | Learn JavaScript With ServiceNow | A Complete JavaScript Tutorial
What is javascript?
JavaScript is a popular programming language which is used for web development and change the behavior of the pages. It is an interpreted programming language with object-oriented capabilities. JavaScript is mostly used for Client side development however you can also perform server side development as well.
This is a new training for Learning JavaScript with ServiceNow.
In this training you will learn JavaScript Programming language and how you run a javascript code in ServiceNow. This training targets ServiceNow Developers who wants to perform development and scripting in ServiceNow to achieve complex requirements of customers and clients. Non ServiceNow professionals can also watch the training to learn JavaScript.
This training has been developed considering no prior knowledge of JavaScript. If you will not work on ServiceNow development, you can still watch this training for learning JavaScript. The only difference from other JavaScript training is that all practical examples of javascript code will be shown in Servicenow application and in some cases they will be related to ServiceNow functionalities as well.
By the end of this training You will have a complete understanding of JavaScript language and programming. However Learning JavaScript is not the only thing needed for performing scripting or development in servicenow. ServiceNow provides different classes and methods which you can call with javascript to perform different action in servicenow.
In order to perform development in ServiceNow by using these methods, you need to complete servicenow development training as well as this series of training will be focusing majorly on javascript language.
Link of ServiceNow Development Training-
- Overview of JavaScript
- Statements and Syntax
- Variables in JavaScript
- Operators in javascript
- Data Types in javascript
- Functions in javascript
- Objects in javascript
- Array in javascript
- Conditions in javascript
- Loops in javascript
- Classes in javascript
- Regular expression in javascript
#JavaScript #LearnJavaScript